HT Hoarding

The HT hoarding legend reads – LET THERE BY LIGHT, in the process cutting off the light of the residents of Heera Panna.
With HT in front of the building and Pyramid next to it, Heera Panna may be in a posh area of town, but it sounds like a nightmare to live in:)
I am also very curious about the hoarding. That is one of the premium hoarding sites in the city. And half the message is blocked out – from the Mahalaxmi Race Course end – by the hoarding in front. I sometimes wonder how client’s agree to pay what they do!

26th May:
Check out Charu & Rashmi Bansal commenting on the HT hoarding!

3 thoughts on “Conflicting Message

  1. All Indians are waiting for the day when Mumbai will become Shanghai. The government has been talking about this at every meeting. Mumbai intellectuals have been recommending better habits to citizens to make the city cleaner. A company of thinkers has drawn out an elaborate plan with enormous investment suggestions to make this happen.

    Most of us have never been to Shanghai. Some years back my idea of Shanghai was only of being a centre of sleaze in China. However many of the Mumbai wellwishers have become convinced that Shanghai is the way to be. Roads have been dug up at all place. Hills are being cut and our ladies have started dressing differently. The municipality has set up signboards everywhere encouraging us to bear with them to enjoy Shanghai in the near future.

    But when people are charged up they forget simple basics. For example, why create all this hassle to daily life and spend so much money when things could be done so easily. Turning Mumbai into Shanghai could be achieved so much more easily just by changing the name of the city as I have argued in blog

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