CAG indicts DD for wasting funds. and the litany of waste is shameful. Public Service Broadcasting does not mean loss making and boring television. Just look at the way the BBC has capitalised its content globally. Despite the headstart that DD has had in braodcasting, it has little saleable archive. Its sad – DD should be our first choice of viewing – given the fact that it has the highest possible reach and the resources to make truly watchable content. But, somehow it does not. Oh for a vision at Doordarshan !

2 thoughts on “Where our Tax Money Goes….

  1. lol! What abt the graphics of DD. It looks like its been done on powerpoint. I guess a 55 year old does the titling and the graphics for DD. They cudn’t fire the guy and they cudn’t hire a new guy to do it. Thats how DD looks.

  2. completely. power point graphics are a lot more sophisticated 🙂
    i don’t think that it is about the age, as much as the inability to take ownership for anything.

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