In another world, another time, this could be a name for a cola variant in MAD magazine. Unfortunately, in our world it is a term that is used to describe colas with large doses of pesticide. Naturally the reaction to it is mixed. The [tag]Cola[/tag] companies are defending their position and rubbishing the CSE report, the opposition is calling for a ban, the health minister says no action needs to be taken, and the general public is confused at all the charges, counter charges, defences and scientific techno bable that is flying around. One very simple solution is to have cola companies print the statutory warning that cigarette packs carry! And maybe, other restrictions on cigarette advertising could also be applied. Flippancy aside, it is sad to see multi national giants, who are supposed to know better, come to India and flout basic rules of health, safety and doing business. There is no point buying airtime by the kilo, and newsprint by the ton to advertise your wares – if you are going to end up slowly poisoning your target group. Corporate Social Irresponsibility any one ?

2 thoughts on “Pesticola …

  1. Corporate social responsibility, or the lack of it, is the real issue here. Politicians are grandstanding, media is over-reacting and so are the people. Surely the levels of contamination are harmful only if the colas consumed consistently and in large quantities. We put up with worse contamination in foodgrains and fruits… and yet get piqued when a multinational does it.

    But it is disgusting to see that even after a similar controversy earlier, the cola companies haven’t done much to get their act together. Saying that the ground water itself is contaminated, is an excuse that is not acceptable!

  2. the ph values of colas compete with the strongest acids in nature.
    they affect the bones ,teeth and reproductive organs.why can’t colas come with decent formulas that has nill bad effect on lives of the citizens of the country.co2 that is released by them makes respiratory system choke if consumed in large inappropriate quantities.not for the headline hunter but for the people.we know
    non governmental org’s generally black mail companies which are
    unable to follow the rules for money.

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