promobox3.jpg Everytime, my phone service provider decides to change names, the service provided to me has a major case of hiccups. In the 8 years that I have been with them, they have been [tag]Max Touch[/tag], [tag]Orange[/tag], [tag]Hutch[/tag] and now [tag]Vodafone[/tag]. Not that it normally bothers me – except that today their network fully went inactive on me and a couple of others that i know. I went into their website … and dead again. Finally an hour later the networks came back to life again and so did their website. Guys, you are in an extremely competitive, service industry. The market is not only price sensitive but also quality sensitive. Telling large chunks of your market that their phone can only access emergency numbers is not the best way to start out. And though I love the little pug, and would really appreciate it if my network follows me ….i get kind of pissed off, it trails me half an hour later.

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