Was at the dentist yesterday. To have extracted a molar in the lower jaw that had been killed by the wisdom that grew in a strange way.

The dentist took out a particularly mean looking instrument.
“what is that”, i mumbled – the jaw and lips numb & heavy with local anesthetic.
“a bone cutter’, replied the dentist – without missing a beat.
He then smiled and said “don’t ask me any questions”

after that, I didn’t.

Am I the only one with visions of Laurence Olivier and Dustin Hoffman in the Marathon Man – when sitting in a dentist’s chair, I wonder !

2 thoughts on “Bone Cutter

  1. Ahhhhhh…painful….was The Bone Collector pleased after the use of the bone cutter ?? I hate visits to the dentist even if it is someone else who is making the visit … 😆

  2. In the same position I’ve had to forestall my desire to physically protect myself and instead slowly walk through the logic as to why I am being tortured and why I will eventually arise and then pay for the privilege. I nonetheless never quite forgive the dentist or convince myself that the whole procedure should be permitted in a civilized society.

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