Doggy Tales

Many Thousands of years ago, Dogs domesticated human beings. Ever since then, have slaved over them long and hard, and in turn they let us believe we own them. Not.


So, the diva is getting old … she is almost 14. And she is getting more imperious with age. She has cataract in one eye – the vet has told us not to operate; and she is just recovering from a bacterial infection that led her to lose most of her hair (it is now growing back).

This evening, she peed in the drawing room. And then, she promptly ambled into my room, and lay down. The expression on her face was akin to that of a princess awaiting her appointment with the executioner with the axe.

Mom says “pavam di (poor thing), she must be cold” … and goes off to cover her with a blanket. I clean up, and as i begin to get back to work, her highness calls out to me “come apologise to me for being pissed that i peed on the floor”

Like i said, they  domesticated us a few thousand years ago, and we still haven’t figured it out.

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