2017 : A year ahead

I tend to prioritise the things that i am, and i like to do, towards the end of the to do queue. For a person who rarely procrastinates professionally, or has very little pending work on a daily basis – including responding to mails, i tend to procrastinate a lot in my personal life. There are things that i like to do, and have always liked doing, they take a back seat to more pressing commitments. But, as my father once asked, what can be more important than your commitment to yourself ? And, 19 months after dad passed away, i think i am ready to make that commitment to me.

Things I want to do this year – personal goals.  :

  • Write more regularly. Often, i get satisfied with the idea. I am happy the idea struck me. I debate the idea in my head, pros and  cons. Sometimes, when i understand theoretical underpinnings, i have an academic debate too (in my head). And then i am so satisfied with the whole thing, i don’t bother writing. 2017, i hope to be more disciplined. Atleast, once a week.
  • Photograph : sigh. And develop the stuff i shoot. Be more structured in the story telling part of it.
  • Shoot a documentary — or at least write one. i think if i don’t tell a video story this year, i will possibly explode or something.
  • Learn a skill – i am still figuring this one out. Whether i want to learn to cook a specific style, or learn pottery, … i don’t know. much of it looks exciting.
  • Enrol and finish a coursera or equivalent course – something not in my field. The easiest would be picking media or policy. But, i want to experience the joy of discovering new things, new ideas …
  • Be more social in real life – meet people i like. And, i like a lot of people, i have been avoiding people. social media makes the real world nearer, and one day you realise all of it is maya – nothing beats real life interactions.
  • Go to two new places – in India. One is most likely kancheepuram.
  • Read a book a fortnight … finish the books i start.
  • Attend 6 concerts in the year.
  • Watch more movies.
  • Cut down on social media, re connect with real life.

(life emerges from below the web. )

This is just a personal plan. My professional life will follow it’s path. But, generally given my interests, they end up walking hand in hand – doing things together.

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