Bloggers rank lowest on the scale of trusted news sources, according to a poll released this week during a media conference in London.? The survey, conducted by the polling company GlobeScan for the BBC-Reuters-Media Center “We Media†Forum and released Wednesday, ranked national TV as the most trusted news source overall, trusted by 82 percent of the 10,230 people surveyed in 10 countries.? Internet bllgs, on the other hand, were trusted by just 25 percent of the respondents. The survey found that 23 percent of the respondents said they distrusted blogs, compared to 16 percent for national TV. One in two people were unable to say whether they trusted blogs at all.
Red Herring reports on a poll conducted during a recent Media conference in London. I think that till there is either ‘self regulation’ or some sort of credibility check – the status of blogs will remain more or less what has been said in the poll.Free expression does not necessarily mean perceived credible expression!
Bloggers are not known for news reporting. They have earned a name for news analysis and commentary. Hence the question of not trusted doesn’t arise. In most cases, Bloggers don’t have their feet on the ground and they have to wait for MSM to break the news so that they can comment on it.
*gasp* you mean to say people do not believe everything I say on my blog?
I think as with MSM, in blogging there is to much of back-patting and symbiotic relationshipping that happens that affects the credibility factor…
(what could ‘Internet bllgs’ be? Internet blogs? in that case, what could non internet blogs be?)
Hi Kaps
it is more to do with ‘abroad’ than india – espcecially with ‘key’ bloggers being invited to cover political conventions.
In India – blogging really hasn’t achieved that level of public perception as it has in the west.
and i guess the survey is more indicative of that part of the world as opposed to ours.