The New 52 – Reinventing a Brand ….

…. for new audiences and a strong base for extending copyright for the next 100 or so years. Fantastically brilliant.


  • What do you do, as a company and a product category – monthly comics – , when you
  • have characters older than the second world war?
  • have characters, whose continuity is confused?
  • have characters who are so inter meshed with each other, that it is difficult to understand character behaviour
  • are the oligopolistic half of a shrinking market that will soon die.

Yet when you have the most iconic characters of all times – Batman, Green Lantern, Superman that have moved beyond print and successfully into other media – how do you take the oldest form of story telling, for the label – ie comics.  How do you make it relevant for audiences at the same time as creating new audiences.

DC undertook one of the most audacious relaunches by repositioning its entire range to an audience that is familiar with the core values of the characters, without being interested in the kilos of continuity.

And it has worked. the narratives sparkle, the art is fantastic. and the characters are spot on. All in all, brilliant. And, the audience has responded. All the titles have sold out. What is more important is that audiences can access the content irrespective of the medium, primarily on hand held devices – Pads, Mobiles. So, DC has done something, which – for me – is as important as relaunching the line. And, that is bringing out the Print & Digital editions on the same day.  It is telling the audience – you are not imprisoned by the form of the content. we will give it you (sell it) in the form you want.

What is also interesting, from the business angle, is the way they have communicated this change, across media. And, its not just about advertising. Great communication across media, to different stakeholders – selling the new concept.

I wonder if Indian comic companies are watching this with interest.

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