The last post on the blog created quite a ruckus. Didn’t expect it to get so many views or be talked about so much. had its top featured story on it – and with an extensive quote from this blog . I spent a lot of Friday discussing this issue with youngsters, netizens and others.

It is common sense and responsible grown up behavior to tell youngsters that actions have consequences, and they need to know what these are before they embark on anything.

I tell students at the start of each term that plagiarism is wrong. if caught it can go on their record. If i catch plagiarised projects – i throw a tantrum (in class) and make them redo it. This is despit the fact that the industry they will work in, has been turning a blind eye to copies for ever. If i was brining up teenagers I would tell them about the birds and the bees. tell them that unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy or to Sexually transmitted diseases. That doesn’t mean i am stopping them from either cheating or having a good time.nor does it mean I am telling them to go out and have sex with random strangers. I am simply telling them, if they do this they could end up in trouble.

Going to jail – even for the good of the nation – is in the same space. Know what you are doing. why you are doing this, and understand the consequences. this is not chor police with your friends in your building compound. This is real life…. Before i wrote this piece I spoke to friends who are practicing lawyers in Bombay HC, and after i wrote this piece and began getting feedback I spoke to them again. The police may take you to a maidan, the judges may let you go, there may be no charges, you may end up rich and successful and in the US. yes to all of that. But there are also people who are giving haazri 20 years after the mandal agitaiton. Both sides co-exist. By all means, if you feel so strongly about the anti corruption movement, and you believe that the best way to express your anger is to participate in Jail Bharo – then you have my respect. but, don’t go in blind.

The flipside of the post is that I attracted the stormtroopers…am not sure if they are associated with the IAC or not. I asked them yesterday if this person was one of their’s – there was no response. I guess i have to trudge down to the cyber crime department in town to file a complaint. wonder why cybercrime depts. don’t let you fill complaints on-line 😀

Am not sure what i should get more bugged about – the lies or the obsession…

If you have the time, and can read Devnagiri & understand Hindi – also read this. This is from someone in the IAC – posted on FB.

4 thoughts on “Hornet’s Nest and all that…

  1. Bang on. many think that this is a mock battle. Anna’s Bollywoodisque call to the nation for second independence from what he famously calls kaale angrez have good support from roadies generation. Many are saying that the police will not change you and just let you or with warning without pressing charges with a caveat that it will be applicable as long as movement is peaceful. But who will guarantee that there will be no violence at all?
    What if you are not involved in any violence but you just happened to be there at the time something goes wrong? Will police then just let you free? Think again. Consult your parents.only if you are fully convinced then only take any action.

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