I have been taking my camera into work. I spend so much time there, it is easier to sneak in a 10 minute window to practise than planning a photowalk or other such activities – that are usually swamped by work expanding to take up all time.
And, it is not work’s fault. Other people manage a life. It is mine – i never managed to build those water tight compartments between work and otherthings, and i am too old to change.
I did shoot some in colour. And they are in the flickr site. Some I shot black and white, and some i turned into black and white.
This is a seriously funny angle – i think i was half hanging out of the balcony … This is NM joshi marg leading to the office. The energy seems more real in the black and white.
I simply find this scene awesome. It is like someone planted vertical building seeds a few decades ago, and they are all sprouting up to different levels of Tall buildings. In the evening, when the lights turn on, it looks out of the world. During the day, when it competes with dust and heat bouncing off the roads – it looks like a post nuclear holocaust space.
And, this is much later at night. I can actually see a bat signal going off ..
None of this is with the new lens. They had been shot some time ago. I have just about find time to sort them out and put them up.