to the Times of India for a headline like this:

He came, saw and conquered her!

It is a story that deals with rape.

They make it read like a bad bodice ripper novel. We have stopped reading the ToI – i just read it for free on line – maybe it is time that we all began sending messers Jain a little note on why we have stopped reading the crap that his paper is churning out.

7 thoughts on “One tight slap….

  1. Shocked! Even by the standards of extremely poor journalism, the newspapers gets worse by the day. This is upsetting.. to say the least.

  2. Hi Neha,
    after i read this. i had this film of red over my eyes yesterday. i was hopping mad.
    as a nation we can protest over two consenting adults kissing in a hotel. but, we keep quiet about this sort of shit. if descriptions like these aren’t against Indian womanhood i don’t know what is.

  3. hi Cogitot
    sensationalism is one part of it. but, the other part of it, which is my problem with the ToI, is the complete ‘uncaring” attitude of the people in charge. i don’t even think that they meant it to be sensational. what bothers me is that i don’t think that anyone in charge thought that it was objectionable.

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