If a Muslim Nutcase can put a price of 51 crores on the Danish cartoonist, can the Hindu nuts be far behind? The Hindu Personal Law Board (wtf is that ) has put a price of Rs.51 crores on M.F.Hussain’s head. three questions here.

  • where the hell did the? Hindu Personal Law board crawl out of and what gives it the locus standing to speak for Hindu’s.? I would think that we have enough of our crosses to bear without borrowing bad habits from others.
  • which version of the Hindu Personal code is this board endorsing – is it the Manusmriti with its inherent bias against women and non higher castes, or is it the much more eclectic form that preceded it – that really didn’t have an issue with any form of human relationship – including polygamy, polyandry and ‘gandharva‘ vivaha.
  • And finally what the hell is the Government upto – why are these nuts walking around free. Why aren’t they being arrested for incitement to murder.

5 thoughts on “Crawling out the woodwork

  1. The wierdos and nuts come in all flavors. Like the Muslim and Hindus, here in the US we have our share of Christian right wing fundies (some times called wingnuts). A lot of them would prefer that everyone (not just them) live life or as a nation we have laws based on the literal interepretation of the bible.
    Among other things they would take away the right of a woman to an abortion, would like women and chidren to be subservient to the father/husband.
    Some of them believe that Jesus will be back and when he comes back everyone else but them will perish in a literal hell, while they would be lifted up to heaven. A line of books based on this prophecy sold well. (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0842329129/qid=1140804353/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-6833072-0919332?s=books&v=glance&n=283155)
    Thankfully they are in a minority.
    Oh well just my two cents.
    PS: Congratulations on the new car. How is Pune? I have family there.

  2. Wow. I like the new site. It seems as if a few 20sixers have decided to go independent! At least I know I can still reach you .. and read you.

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