…..Not so much a concise book, as a slightly largish magazine feature. It has the wry observation, and the witty descriptions that is [tag]Bill Bryson[/tag]'s trademark .. but it isn't an involving read. And much like nicely written features for In flight magazines – there isn't too much to object to, at the same time there isn't too much that you retain. 

I don't know too much more about Shakespeare now, than I knew earlier. But, what little there is , is told nicely. It is more a nice brisk travelogue through the lives & times of William Shakespeare than a biography. 

I much preferred [tag] A Short History of Almost Everything [/tag] or a [tag]I'm a Stranger Here Myself [/tag]. It isn't that I didn't like the book — it is just that i have no memories of anything that I read 🙂 

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