Raghuram Rajan’s speech to IIT, Delhi.  Go read it

My favorite bit:

So what does an educational institution or a nation need to do to keep the idea factory open? The first essential is to foster competition in the market place for ideas. This means, encouraging challenge to all authority and tradition, even while acknowledging that the only way of dismissing any view is through empirical tests. What this rules out is anyone imposing a particular view or ideology because of their power. Instead, all ideas should be scrutinised critically, no matter whether they originate domestically or abroad, whether they have matured over thousands of years or a few minutes, whether they come from an untutored student or a world-famous professor.

Question. That is the purpose of education. Question everything.  From the point of view of understanding. Without being judgmental. From the perspective of learning.

An education that doesn’t teach you to question is a piece of paper, with not much value.

And, it is not about economics, or engineering. It also applies to work. to the media. to every aspect of life. If our ancestors going back to the cave man and woman didn’t question, we would still be in the cave – #justsaying

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