The first of the three major consumer extravaganza’s is over. Diwali. The other two being Id and Christmas.

There was a time – not so long ago – that we celebrated and had fun on Diwali, yet managed to keep the sense of thanksgiving to the Lord. It used to be a spiritual experience as well. Being woken up at 4 in the morning for an oil bath – Ganga Snanam. followed by wearing your new clothes, lighting the sparkler, and marvelling at the sparkles. You then had your breakfast – goodies that mom and grandmom had made jangri, mixture, cheeday, mysorepak, lehiyam. And took the same to all your neighbours.

Somehow in the last four of five years it seems that the spirit of sharing and having fun has slowly begun disappearing. It has become a festival of “how much can I spend”. The quiet prayer at home with family has been replaced by a show of religiousity – piety replaced by “i want to be seen praying” hypocrisy.

The same thing that has happened to Christmas in the west, has happened to Diwali (atleast in the Metros). And it feels sad to see a festival i enjoyed so much, become a festival i have become completely indifferent to. It is simply a date like many others – where work doesn’t get done.

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