In Early Aryan Mythology there is a constant battle between two sets of celestial beings. The Devas, or the Gods, and the Asuras and the Demons. Incidentally the Persian myths have the Asurs as the Gods, and the Devas as the Demons.

The predominant image of the Asuras was that of attacking the ashrams of the Brahmins desecrating the sacred flame, and spreading meat around the place. They didn’t allow the Brahmins to teach (or was it preach). Sometimes they would kill the Brahmins and make off with their women folk.

And the Brahmnins used to complain to the King – whose duty it was to protect places of education and learning. Also those of worship. It was considered to be Raj Dharma – or the ruler’s duty. To protect anyone, worshiping any god, in any form, and imparting any form of learning. Protect. And the king would do this by sending armies with either himself, his kin or his sons at its head to defend the institutes of learning. Sometimes they would lose their lives protecting these ashrams. However the take away is very clear. Society needs the institues of learning, and its the ruler’s duty to protect them.

Today the Asuras are still there. they destroy places of worship, burn books, desecrate libraries. Kill teachers, sometimes blacken their face. But the sad thing is that there is no one who practises Raj Dharma.

I am referring to the dreadful incident in Pune – where Sambhaji Sena barged into the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute in Pune and completely vandalized it. actually vandalized is a mild term. they desecrated it. In the name of Shivaji. A man who followed Raj Dharma. Unfortunately, the Pune incident is just one of many.

There is merely lip service condemnation from the Government – both at the State and the Centre. The Shiv Sena the biggest bully of them all has been conspicous by its silence.

The only ray of hope in this entire sorry incident has been the people of Pune. They have banded together to aid and assist the institute in its recovery.

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