The Mumbai Mirror has replaced the ToI as my favourite Loo read. From this mornings’ Mumbai Mirror online (front page), the link reads – Ask the Sexpert :

* I have never had extramarital sex. Recently, I started flirting with our housemaid. We were about have sex (with her consent) but held back for the fear of contracting STD or AIDS. I had not penetrated into her vagina but just touched it with my penis. Is there a chance that I might contract a disease? She claims to not have had any extramarital affair either.

The answer from the (s)expert:

Sex with any unknown partner is unsafe. It is advisable to stick to one partner.

ROTFL. Is there a society for the protection of Housemaids? and a society for the protection from journalists who make up this kind of shit!

10 thoughts on “Loverly….

  1. From 3 years of mass media college I learnt that one should never make the mistake of assuming that Newspaper and the rest of Media are out there to better society or for the good of common people.
    BTW, hi Ms. Harini, I’m your ex student!

  2. hi Sriram
    of course not. Media is a business and its business is to attract more
    eyeballs to make more money!
    tnx for commenting on POV.
    i guessed that you were the same Sriram. i had sent you a mail this
    afternoon. it bounced back.

    how is life after BMM? are you working or studying further. i mailed u again and it bounced back again!

  3. my brother used to do that when we worked with two publications in Mumbai. the first one was a youth mag- so making up idiot teenage angst stuff was ok. the second one was a ‘newspaper’ and putting in salacious sex stories was really a bit too much:)

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