There are few things as entertaining in life, as to see the right replay Mahabharat over and over again. Fatricidal warfare seems to be the name of the game.

Raj and Uddhav deciding to part ways on power and its application.

Uma aunty, once again, singing the ‘pay attention to me, I am important’ mantra.
And, the RSS and BJP treating each other with barely held contempt and frigidness.

In a way, I am glad that the religious right is self destructing. It opens up the political space for a centre right party – that could probably be more adept at addressing the political needs of the people.

Manmohan Singh must be a much more relieved man. What with the right in disarray, and ‘allies’ like Lallo being given a short sharp reality check – if only, if only, something similar happened to the Left. Then his party would be complete.

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