Praise Be…
August 8, 2007… one of my students actually knew that today is the anniversary of the [tag]Quit India Movement[/tag]. As i said in class today … a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away …. India achieved independence !
… one of my students actually knew that today is the anniversary of the [tag]Quit India Movement[/tag]. As i said in class today … a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away …. India achieved independence !
This from today’s Guardian The US has lost track of about 190,000 weapons issued to Iraqi security forces since the 2003 invasion, some of which will have ended up in the hands of insurgents, according to an official report published in Washington….
This, a headline from the ET – India's most widely circulated business broadsheet : Some SC/STs too made it on merit replace the word SC/ST with any other ethnic/religious/gender grouping and tell me what is right/ wrong with this headline. [tag]media bias[/tag]…