Last Week
The last 10 days have been a fair tech disaster for me….. the site was down from the 2nd till the 9th because my previous hosting service got attacked by something while moving servers. The fact that they hadn’t informed me ( i am not sure of their other customers) about the move, and possible downtime – was exacerbated by complete and utter ineptitude while dealing with the crisis. I dealt with 7 different people over the 7 day period – each of whom was vaguer than the previous one….. And each of them responded, because of a mail from me … not because, they as service providers wanted to keep a customer in the loop…..This is a classic case study on customer mismanagement. I can understand and empathise with technical problems, I can’t with customer mismanagement. It is forgetting basics in business…

Finally when they restored the site…. there wasn’t even a message saying service restored. Therefore, I did what any paying  customer would do ….. changed the service provider.  When the site finally came back up…  i changed nameservers, moved host……..and was out before you could say blog……


Moved to  a web hosting service provider called 200 GB space, 2000 GB bandwidth and great customer support (the last two days have been blissful in terms of restoring my site) — all for around Rs.2000 per annum. Hope that I don’t have to move for the next few years.

Am going to be doing up my new home over the next couple of days…..

4 thoughts on “New Home … settling in

  1. I am with for almost like 2 yrs now and I find them pretty good even w.r.t support for many addons to the site like forums, scripts etc. I pay about $24 a year only for hosting, they give me 1 gig of space and 15 gb of traffic. honestly I dont/cant see a scenario where I see myself using even upto 1 gig, leave alone 200 gig. Never go by numbers, always go by value 🙂


  2. me neither. .. which is why i wasn’t too bothered by my last service provider who gave 500 mb…..and 1 gb transfer… it is service that matters….and support & keeping people in the loop !

  3. the only thing i am paranoid about is whether hostican will be able to copy the entire contents of my website to their servers as is. i hate setting up things over and over again. nathosting is a bit slow compared to hostican i can see for myself, but its cheaper too.

    that ways at the current dollar value against rupee, $7 comes to about 300 bucks a month which means 3600 a year, not 2000 as you mentioned. i pay about 24$ a year for host and about 30 dollars an annum for my two domain names which is about 3000 an annum, still cheaper than hostican! i m trying my best for the angel in me to rule rather than the devil 😀


  4. naa.. they have these discount coupons… my server, space, bandwidth cost me 49.95 (or something like that)… which is $5 per month
    and i suppose you could write to them and find out if they will transfer you bag & baggage…..

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