A Panel of Supreme Court Judges (no less) has observed during a hearing on corruption:

"The only way to rid the country of corruption is to hang a few of you on the lamp post. The law does not permit us to do it but otherwise we would prefer to hang people like you to the lamp post,"

Well given the amount of corruption and all those who indulge in it – givers and takers – it may also be a quick fix solution to curb population growth, increase employment potential, and curb inflation (if there are no people, there can’t be spending)!

5 thoughts on “Hanging them from the Lamp Post

  1. Hey, is tht really true. Must say our lasw makers are finally thinking right.

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  2. Yeah, but that’s provided the lamp post is not made of third-grade material, and collapses before the convict is hanged to death! After all, corruption does happen in the manufacturing of lamp-posts too! LOL! :-))

  3. sarah
    welcome to this site.
    it is nice to know that our lawmakers are human.
    but, these kind of pronouncements should not be made from the bench. it is in very bad form. I like living in India — i would hate for it to become China or Saudi Arabia.
    have added you!!

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