….. so much so that he married her….

Rani has perked up her ears at the story…. i can see her scanning my friend circle for a suitable mate..

On the dog(ess) who got wedded…. well the poor bitch !!!

2 thoughts on “Dog is a Man’s best Friend….

  1. Off topic:

    Why does your feed include near-full (or longish excerpts) articles with links from your Bloglines Clip. My eyes! My eyes!! Please convert to digest format (like del.icio.us does) if you really want to include external links.

  2. Hi Patrix
    tnx for pointing it out … have checked the feed in all readers that i subscribe to… and don’t seem to have this issue…. could you just unsubscribe and resubscribe ….i definitely wouldn’t want to quote whole chunks of the bloglines blog (not sure whether i would want to quote even small chunks of it 🙂

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