Extremely good article by Fareed Zakaria in the Newsweek.

Somehow leaders and Governments have begun behaving as though by attaining power they are above the law. Across the world, leaders no longer seem to think that they are answerable to the people. And for some bizzare reason leaders of democratic republics have begun behaving like feudal societies – where there was a God Emperor. Attack the Emperor and you attacked God. Attack your prime minister or your president and you are an anti-national deviant who should be locked up.

Politicians and Leaders seem to believe that they can do anything (or do nothing) and get away with it – and people will neither remember their involvement or their incompetance in various matters.

Thus Rumsfield and co. can turn around and say “sorry” – but still be there in power. Advani can say that “gujarat should not have happened” and yet remain the leading light of the BJP campaign, Blair can lie through his teeth on a variety of issues and still remain Prime Minister.

But, there is a price to be paid for arrogance – and that price is not just paid by the victim. It is paid in democratic societies through a process called elections. After all you can only piss off your people for so long, before they turn around and say “off with their head”.

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