Free Books

May 9, 2004

I came across a great repository for on-line books. The section that was the most interesting was banned books The who’s who of writers has ended up getting banned at sometime in their life or the other. Ulysses, Cantebury Tales, The Arabian…

Symbol of America

May 8, 2004

Senator Edward M. Kennedy, ‘‘In the Middle East and too often today, the symbol of America is not the Statue of Liberty; it’s the prisoner standing on a box wearing a dark cape and a dark hood on his head, wires attached…

May 8, 2004

An amazing article in the The Nation about two ladies – Rashida Bee and Champa Devi Shukla – who have been fighting the last 20 years to bring justice to those affected by the Bhopal tragedy. Last week they won the Goldman…