The trouble with trying to run 3 lives without letting any of them collide with the other is that something has got to give. and that something is personal space. I have had absolutely no time or energy left for myself – between teaching, Cogito and Sahara One.
I have truly missed blogging. But, the brain is so dead by the time I get home that putting fingers to keyboard is truly an effort. And even if I manage to do that – the brain refuses to co-operate. I have mentally blogged over the last few weeks. Not actually got down to posting them. And on Diwali day, with a few hours to my self – let me blog these down:
a) Coke as a new pesticide – farmers in India are amongst the most innovative bunch of people. They have figured that Coke and Pepsi (lowest price Rs.5) makes better pesticide than the stuff that they get from the local pesticide store. So, if the two drinks are so good at killing germs, what are they doing to your insides?
b) Uma Bharati Suspended from the BJP– the begining of the end. Sooner or later the BJP has to split. It’s narrow minded version of Hindutva is going to be the death of the party. Getting rid of prima donnas’ like Uma Bharati, would probably mean that the party might just survive to fight one more election. but for the loony fringe, it can be an election option.
c) Firefox Released – after surfing on the beta version for months, I downloaded the first non-beta version. I still have some issues while blogging. but atleast it ia a browser that is not a magnet for bugs

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