This seems to be my day for funny blogs on blogging! This one is from here

* Blog you must for your business.

* Truth, passion, authenticity a blogger must have

* Comment and trackback spam paths to the Darkside are

* Prideful blogging, a dangerous thing it is. A way to the Darkside it is

* The Blog-i Masters train you in the way of the Blog, they can

* Blog-i Masters guardians of the Blogosphere they are

* May the Blog be with you

Cute or what:)

9 thoughts on “Blogging tips from Master Yoda

  1. which probably tells you why the JEdi were wiped out. no aspiration, no profit motive, no desire for power. tut tut … has all the bearings of extinction.

  2. Well its cute alright… but the secret is to MaInTaIn a blog… its just like excersising ur mental skills. Even if u can write well it is really difficult to make a blog successful

    Cheers 🙂

  3. hi lakshmikant
    point is what is your blog for?
    for me it is a place where i pen down ideas and thoughts. opine. keep a diary.
    for someone else it is a method of building business. business blogging is an important area
    for yet some one else it is a way of meeting people with similar ideas.
    what motivates me to blog – usually the desire to express my point of view on something or someone:)

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