Dick Cheney Today:

“The important thing here to understand is that the people that are at Guantánamo are bad people. I mean, these are terrorists for the most part. These are people that were captured in the battlefield of Afghanistan or rounded up as part of the al-Qaida network.”

Words fail me. Truly they do!
Bad People.
wtf! wtf – prisoners of war I can understand. Terrorists I can understand. What are bad people? I can think of almost a dozen labels without even trying. What is this man trying to do?
these are terrorists for most part. What about the rest. or doesnt’ he know yet!

5 thoughts on “Specific to the core

  1. He’s being a great politician. This is what he’s saying “Look, those are bad people and we are good people. You wouldn’t want to take the side of the baaaad people, would you?”

    So there it is. *Bad people* have no human rights and should not be given the chance to prove their innocence. As it is, they are bad people from a faraway land where they are all terr’sts who “hate our freedom”, so why bother to even think that some of them may have been at the wrong place at the wrong time. They are all terr’sts and we must be glad they are locked up.

    Now the world will be very safe.

  2. I Guess human rights people are subjective human rights people.

    They would cry foul when someone is executed by some African country, which does not have the economy to survive on its own. They would also cry foul when India does something exploiting our very fragile FDI economy.

    But they would never dare to touch China or USA. Because i think they have decided that those who are tortured by the US and China ususally are not humans, They are *bad animals* which have to be tortured.

    Though some of the Human Rights activist are objective in their activism, I think most of the remaining assholes who call themselves Human Rights activist are ball less corrupt money mongerers.

  3. HA !!! BAAD People !!

    Dick-Headed Cheney has proved time and again why he is one of the most hated people in the world today. He is the ultimate example of a “playing-to the- gullible-gallery” politician…a classic American Version of Laloo Yadav.

    The Laloojis and paswaanjees try to corral the Muslim/Yadav(MY) votebank into their kitty by making statements that please these masses to orgasmic levels. Similarly we have a huge chunk of dumb-ass middle-america(51% of all valid US voter, to be precise) getting together to sing hosannas to the King of Texans…just bcos…Dick-Headed veepees make sickening statements about Bad People.

    The next thing you know, our beloved Veepee will try and get these bad people to an “undisclosed location” — His brain already is in one.

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