Full many a blog born to blush unseen
and waste its sweetness on the desert air (actually cyberspace:))

with aplologies to Thomas Gray and his Elgy in a Country Church Yard. Btw this is the same poem that has the famous line “The paths of glory lead but to the grave

Today, two very reports that i read confirmed what we all knew. That Blogdom is going through organic growth.

Both reports stem from a Technorati report on the state of blogdom.

Someone, somewhere in the world creates a new blog every second.
Growth in Blogging
The BBC’s take on it is:

What is clear is that the blogosphere is highly varied, with blogs coming in many shapes and forms, whether they be professional or for personal use.
Blogs have been used as campaign sites, as personal diaries, as art projects, online magazines and as places for community networking.
Much of their appeal has been boosted because readers can subscribe to them, for free, to stay updated of any new posts automatically.
Blogs have played a part in highlighting issues that journalists have not covered. They have also proved to be a valuable communication channel for journalists in repressed countries who have no other publishing means.

The NYT has an interesting op-ed on the same report:

It’s natural enough to think of the growth of the blogosphere as a merely technical phenomenon. But it’s also a profoundly human phenomenon, a way of expanding and, in some sense, reifying the ephemeral daily conversation that humans engage in. Every day the blogosphere captures a little more of the strange immediacy of the life that is passing before us. Think of it as the global thought bubble of a single voluble species.

When I started blogging in 2003, I ‘knew’ most Indian blogs. Today, i ‘discover’ atleast 2 everyday. And, I know that i have missed out on a lot of good blogs, both from within India and outside.

So many blogs, so little time!!

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