Reiki came into my life in 1997. My parents and both my brothers attended classes and came back with energy in their fingertips…I was impressed but decided that there was too much ‘mumbo jumbo’ and ‘new age’ stuff for me. I was quite sure that i would laugh at my self if I did something like that…. However, that didn’t prevent me from calling on my family for various aches and pains… and [tag]Reiki[/tag] often provided relief.

cut to 2007. One of my closest friends was going through a tough emotional patch and joined Reiki classes. HE came back glowing and energetic. I was amused and said to myself … mind over matter. He feels better because he has willed himself to feel better…

Cut to this weekend. I joined 38 other people at a Reiki workshop in Mumbai. i am still getting over the experience. But, i can say this… for the last 20 odd years – i have been a 3 cup a day filter coffee person, and for a decade or so ….a pack a day of cigarettes per day. I don’t even have the wish to consume either…. it is kind of corny and bizarre … especially given that i am a skeptic on most “new age” thingees… K wonders how long before a caffeine & nicotine deprived me will take to kill someone….

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