Reading Recommendations 22nd November

With the Harvey Weinstein case exploding, more high profile men have been outed for being sexual predators. These are actors, journalists, authors, film makers, – with a body of work that is outstanding. How do you judge the work, in light of these sexual harassment claims. Are they even linked. The New Yorker has a very nuanced piece on it – What do we do with the Art of Monstrous Men. (for the record : i will find it impossible to consume content that is created by them)

With Russia seeming to play a vital role in the spread of fake news, and misinformation,  there has been stringent action against Russian media that has distributed the news. Russia Today (RT) is one of the most popular sites on the web, and Google plans to strike a blow at it, be deranking it (and Sputnik). A bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

There is a good piece on an experiment with Universal Basic Income in Kenya, with 6000 of the poorest people. The experiment is to run for 12 years, while researchers monitor, record and analyse the data on how UBI will impact not just the individual, but society.

And, from HBR comes a piece, that most of us, who have worked in corpo life, will empathise – What to Do If Your Boss Gets Distracted by Every New Thing

Archaeologists found a 3000 year old castle under a lake. Presumably it drowned and is not a underwater castle. And talking of all things ancient, lovely photo feature on forgotten places




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