Devavrata Singh, aka Shaitan Singh is a hero who deserves a franchise.
Abhinav Agarwal’s debut novel, Predators and Prey, is a race thriller that tells the story of Devavrata who is charged with keeping alive a data scientist on the run, a journalist who is trying to break the story. They are on the run from a rather stung NSA – who wants them dead – the ISI, with two master puppeteers pulling the strings, and seeing their proxy war played out.
Agarwal gets both urgency and tightness. There is very little that is extra in the book. There is little indulgence in writing. He keeps the story moving between various actors, kees the tempo pumping, and has the little lull moments that give you insights into the characters.
While on the face of it, the story is about the scientist on the run, and the journalist – it really is about how Devavrata is planning to keep them alive.
I would really like to see Shaitan Singh on screen. It would possibly make a great vehicle for a 40 something male star, who is looking at an interesting role. The role is meaty, there is a possibility of a franchise, and it will be an easy watch.
Worth reading.