Without Comment :)
April 9, 2008This from the BBC: The Simpsons has been dropped from morning TV in Venezuela after being deemed unsuitable for children – and has been replaced by Baywatch. The world is a funny place 🙂
Harini Calamur's Writings
This from the BBC: The Simpsons has been dropped from morning TV in Venezuela after being deemed unsuitable for children – and has been replaced by Baywatch. The world is a funny place 🙂
cheaper than retail therapy more friendly on your liver than alcohol therapy, not fattening like chocolate therapy ….dusting is a great way to bust out of the blues. And today, on a Monday morning on less ….i used a broom, elbow grease…
Life isn’t divided into genres. It’s a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you’re lucky.” – Comic Book Writer, Alan Moore (V for Vendetta, Watchmen, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
… with a title that seems to have been penned by [tag]Kazuo Ishiguro[/tag]. I had heard a decade ago, when License to Kill came out, that its original name was “License Revoked” but the studios decided to change it because they were…
Shefaly tagged me in a meme – on [tag]Lessons, in Hindsight [/tag]. Essentially , what have you learnt from life… Don’t double guess your instinct – the number of times that i have – because i felt guilty about having strong first…
Reiki came into my life in 1997. My parents and both my brothers attended classes and came back with energy in their fingertips…I was impressed but decided that there was too much ‘mumbo jumbo’ and ‘new age’ stuff for me. I was…
Some random quotes, (the lazy blogger’s way out) 🙂 The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. (Einstein) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former. (Einstein, ) Reality is…
Two little birds sitting on a wire, ‘obviously’ sparring…. I am closer to the sky Then they tiff….. one turns away I am not talking to you And then there is a serious Ego Problem — they both look the other way……
A peaceful, prosperous & contentment filled 2008 to all of you and your families……
Stumbled Upon this here…. Check out the remaining posters, they are truly funny. which is pretty much what I did as far as dusting my books in concerned. And this weekend is the battle of the dust cloth….. but may be I…