Seeds India

A few years ago, I was introduced to the concept of Disaster Risk Reduction. The idea was very simple, it is easier, cheaper and better to prevent a natural hazard from becoming a disaster, than picking up the pieces when it does become one.

The world is quite a dangerous place. Earthquakes, Landslides, Cloud bursts, Famine, Volcanoes are all par for the course. The last time a Tsunami struck – almost 2.5 lakh people lost their lives, millions of dollars worth property and infrastructure were damaged. In many places, the population went back to the subsistence mode.

When a natural hazard becomes a disaster – we count the loss in terms of life, limb property and infrastructure. But, there is a hidden cost that is also there – and that is development. Very often, especially in what was called the third world, and today is called the developing world, a roll back in development can have grave implications in terms of the population that is present in those areas.

I had visited one such area in Balleshwar, Orissa. Twice a year there are floods, and twice a year people become homeless. Between floods, they are busy reconstructing their homes – and as a result they don’t have too much time, or energy for anything else. The area is plagued with high drop out rates, mal nutrition and illness. The solution was quite simple – build a house that will withstand the floods. The solution however, needed heavy duty engineering intervention. The houses built had to have deeper foundation, stronger plinth and a roof that was not heavy (falling roofs cause more damage than flood waters).

Seeds, had effectively managed to build homes that withstood floods. The idea was simple – floods are going to happen, you cannot stop the Mahanadi – but what you can do is stop it from seriously disrupting lives and livelihood.

However, SEEDS is not just about external intervention – but also about ensuring that local populations internalise the concept of Disaster Risk Reduction and intervene actively to save lives and property. Very often this meant discarding the last 30-40 years of behavior and reverting to the way their ancestors dealt with nature. Part of their response strategy in Orissa was to ensure that local communities are trained in putting up homes that are safe. It is not external contractors building those shelters – but the community itself.


For example, in Himachal Pradesh – last earthquake a century ago, next earth quake anytime now – we saw a palace built around the 11th century AD – still standing and ready for use. The architects and masons hand simply factored in the fact that the earth will shake – and built the Palace to withstand the shake. As the locals said “patti mara hai – take hile to bhi, gire nahin” . But, todays constructions see designs that are potentially lethal – door sized glass panes, overhanging parapets – stuff that will kill in case of an earthquake.
One reaction that i kept getting from people who work in the area of Disaster Risk Reduction is that “Earthquakes don’t kill, buildings do”

Part of the Seeds agenda is to train local masons, contractors and other construction industry professionals on construction of housing ; to build consensus with other stakeholders like local Panchayats and the District Commissioner’s office. While this form of work may take more time – its effects are more holistic.

Currently, they are working on building permanent shelters in Leh – which is recovering from the devastation caused by a cloudburst. Once again they are providing a long term engineering and design solution. Each house costs around Rs.150,000 /- They have already raise some money. they need to raise some more. Do help if you can

I like the fact that their goal is to put themselves out of business – by ensuring that they aren’t in Relief but long term Disaster Risk Reduction. For, when the communities learn to deal with the hazards that they face – and come out of it without any major damage – then orgnaisations like SEEDS would have done their job. I like the fact that they don’t impose a solution but involve all stake holders; i like the fact that they focus on education and training and the internalizing of a solution and i like it that they involve women and children as the standard bearers for their message.

Do donate – it is a good organisation that is run by dedicated people, with a wicked sense of humour 🙂

Give India Page for Seeds India

Seeds India Website

SEEDS is working with LEDeG (Ladakh Ecological Development Group) in Leh and has come up with a shelter strategy which outline our approach to reconstruction in Leh. We are working towards building a consensus between different stakeholders towards adaption of our approach as the standard. Meanwhile the SEEDS-LEDeG team in Leh continues to work towards construction of a prototype house at the LEDeG rural building center in Choglamsar. – you can find a copy of their strategy note here
If you want to volunteer , Call Saurabh, in SEEDS, at : + 91-9310789198
SEEDS FB group here

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